Friday, January 07, 2005

Yay~ It's the LAST day of the weekdays! No CO on Saturdays! Yay~!
I think this week was like the LONGEST week of my life. Lessons going so slow...and I am cooped up in school longer. My teachers are not bad...except for the Chemistry teacher who yaks all day. 30 minutes on talking crap, 15 minutes to go to lab, 15 minutes to hear her talk Chemistry. She's so slow. Awfully slow. And...I really really mis 2e5'04's noise. The class. My new class is so QUIET. Even though the smartest are in out class, they are AWFULLY quiet! My English Teacher commented that this year's 3e2 is very quiet compared to 3e1...sob, that made me want to say my ideas out to her whenever she asks questions but she wanted me to keep quiet and let others talk, when only my 2e5 friends did.They are always very competitive when I do something haha. And also...on around 17 January? Theres Sagano High School students coming to our school for a short while. Our class was working on the report of the event. Which naturally includes written report and photos. I volunteered to photography, seeing that I LOVED my mom's Digital Cam and I can take photos of all sort of things, its fun! I can talk, stalk my friend's group and etc...hahaha. Not everything must be serious...the report IMO should be fun & lively. Captions for each meaningful photograph. Its going to be hosted on a web anyway hehe. I had ups and downs with Maths...yesterday I was DEAD tired after CO and still managed to get my maths right. (Completing the Squares) and I found my careless mistake...I'm so happy to have spotted that.
I'm very very tired now...ZzzzZzzz...Hope tommorow I can chat online with my friends and play games...days of isolation needs a day of fun......for me that is ^.^.

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