Saturday, December 15, 2007
It was an unexpected finding acutally.
I went to HMV to "window-shop"
And I found 2 great albums (Exile on Mainstream , KobuKuro - All Singles Best)
Ended up spending 60 bucks straight...
But its on eternal playback right now ((:
Ahhh feeling so tired... Been travelling around these few days...
Can't wait to go overseas next week...
And flood this blog with pictures...hehe
Friday, December 07, 2007
Get to know yourself better
Your view on yourself:
You are down-to-earth and people like you because you are so straightforward. You are an efficient problem solver because you will listen to both sides of an argument before making a decision that usually appeals to both parties.
The type of girlfriend/boyfriend you are looking for:
You are a true romantic. When you are in love, you will do anything and everything to keep your love true.
Your readiness to commit to a relationship:
You are ready to commit as soon as you meet the right person. And you believe you will pretty much know as soon as you might that person.
The seriousness of your love:
Your have very sensible tactics when approaching the opposite sex. In many ways people find your straightforwardness attractive, so you will find yourself with plenty of dates.
Your views on education:
Education is very important in life. You want to study hard and learn as much as you can.
The right job for you:
You're a practical person and will choose a secure job with a steady income. Knowing what you like to do is important. Find a regular job doing just that and you'll be set for life.
How do you view success:
You are afraid of failure and scared to have a go at the career you would like to have in case you don't succeed. Don't give up when you haven't yet even started! Be courageous.
What are you most afraid of:
You are afraid of having no one to rely on in times of trouble. You don't ever want to be unable to take care of yourself. Independence is important to you.
Who is your true self:
You are mature, reasonable, honest and give good advice. People ask for your comments on all sorts of different issues. Sometimes you might find yourself in a dilemma when trapped with a problem, which your heart rather than your head needs to solve.
Try it @
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Seems like everyone is saying it, so I won't say much, but...
"1SC2 2007 PWNED AC GAMES!!!"
Never I have felt so "enthu" for competitive sports.
Maybe its the magic of 1SC2.
Yeah, 32nd Students Council did a great job too! XD
P/S :
Yeah, its a short post. I'm still...well, not recovered...
The K-Drama "Hwang Jin Yi" made me so sad!
" Goodbye, my first love."
Monday, October 08, 2007
Played Bleach Blade Battlers 2
And it was damn fun.
Watching the bankai and stuff.
Other than that, I did some soulsearching for the past 9 months.
I sure have let myself down.
And more importantly, I've let down others too.
In many many ways.
I guess there's no turning back.
I sure hope they can forgive me.
Things have changed.
I can only accept it
and give my blessings.
So be it.
I have so much to learn.
The world feels so distorted.
I feel like a emo-kid already.
And it kind of sucks.
I just feel so tired.
I don't feel like trying anymore.
Maybe it will be now.
To really finish off what was due 3 months ago.
Lets hope tomorrow will be better.
One day at a time.
Sunday, October 07, 2007
But I can't seem to settle down one bit,
not even when promos are over...
Whats wrong with me...
Seems like I'm still lacking something -_-
Ahhh, feels as if the holidays started.
But its not.
School still continues until November.
Finished Yakitate!! Japan on crunchyroll...
I have never felt sooooo hungry while watching anime.
Never been so hungry and tempted.
Wishlist - To eat Japan #44
I wanna go to heaven!
Monday, September 24, 2007
Sian then pon
Test also pon" -1sc2
My very first planned ponning event took place today.
With Silvia and Rachel.
From what I've read from Szeching's blog,
only 8 turned up today.
I think it IS damn obvious that 12 of us ponned instead of being sick.
Can I expect the JC1 population halved on Wednesday and Thursday?
Today was like the most productive day of all.
Thats what I call, an "accomplishment".
Although I'm actually supposed to revise my work.
Caught Bleach on crunchyroll as well.
Only into the Soul Society arc.
I love it!
I also just realised One Piece Water 7 arc on TV is over?
Watched the latest fansubbed episode streamed.
Found new streaming channels to watch anime as well.
Recently just caught Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann on veoh.
Okay, my days are numbered.
Gotta sleep now XD
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Sunday, September 09, 2007
Friday, August 31, 2007
The performances were great and the video he teachers made was hilarious!
Some of us went down to support our class in the College Bowl.
I must say, all 4 of them were great!
We played in the playground in the premises.
The stupid yellow bowl thing.
Had alot of fun there too.
Went back to BBSS today <3
Met alot of ex-classmates!
Kind of felt great meeting them.
Shared my troubles ( :x ) with my friend, it felt great releasing all of them.
Finished watching Zegapain on crunchyroll today...
I loved it.
I love the ending song "Little Goodbye".
I have it on eternal loop on the media player XD.
me ga samete yume no itaimi ga
yoru ni tokete yuku
kaze no machino tsumetai sora ga
subeta wo kaete yuku
toki ga modottara toki ga modottara toki ga modottara
kisu shite goodbye
meguri yuku to kimi meguri kuru anata ni
kioku no fuchi de
toki wa kurikaesu
image wo mita image wo mitakute
giniro no tsuki no hana ga
shizuka ni sai te iru
tsukami kake te me o tojire ba
anata ga mie te kuru
michi ni mayottara sagashi ni oide yo yume de de attara
kisu shite goodbye
meguri yuku to kimi meguri kuru anata ni
kioku no fuchi de
toki wa kurikaesu
image wo mita image wo mitakute
kisu shite goodbye
meguri yuku to kimi meguri kuru anata ni
kioku no fuchi de
toki wa kurikaesu
image wo mita image wo mita
kisu shite goodnight
mou nemura nai
hoshino furuyoruha
time goes by
Thursday, August 23, 2007
10 weird/random things about me:
- I'm Jia Ni, if you don't already know.
- I can laugh at the stupidest stuff and intellectual stuff.
- I'm SHORT, according to many.
- I don't believe that.
- I went to PEPS (Princess Elizabeth Primary School) and ended up in the secondary school next door.
- Apparently people like to add an "I" next to PEPS.
- I spent my days in BBSS mugging like 'siao'.
- But I do play games, you know.
- Yes, Jia Ni HAS A LIFE.
- Rules are meant to be broken, I'm continuing.
- I'm currently stuck in ACJC for the next 15 months or so.
- In a wacko class called 1SC2 , class of 2008.
- We spawned and
- Contrary to initial belief, I rejoined CO.
- I may not like it very much, but I do enjoy playing pieces that are NICE.
- Like Ju Hua Tai and some Guang Ming Xing.
- I like Su Bei Feng Qing too. (I bet you don't know what I'm typing, seriously.)
- People In CO are wacky as well.
- Especially Stevie, Meiqi, Meiyi, Jin Ling, Clarrissa, Sophia, Shern Shern, Daniel Tan,...I think that is half of our CO!
- I shall introduce my class in the most boring way ever.
- Dancers : Redgie
- Orangie! Shes part of the Power Rangies I heard.
- Rifle-ers : Szeching
- Speaking of Szeching, she was the one who asked me to do this! X)
- Pistol-ers : Chloe, Amanda, Rushan (CAPTAIN), Silvia, Bing Hui, Denzel, Jeremy
- Speaking of them, Rushan introduced nice mudpie to the class!
- Denzel is my PW leader. He is horny.
- Bing Hui is horny too.
- Chloe is in my PW group too!
- I just realised 3/4 of my PW group are pistol-ers.
- Amanda is real good at sports, her group owned floorball today!
- Jeremy walks in a funny way. He bounces.
- Guitarist : Rachel Lim
- Speaking of Rachel, shes always laced with scandals...
- Harpist : Vanessa
- Speaking of Vanessa, shes so talented... XD
- Tennis : Judith
- Speaking of Judith, she ran 10 rounds today? OMG
- Band : Sarah
- Proud member of the best band in SG and usually playing C4!
- Fencer : Rachel Meng, Amanda
- Speaking of Rachel Meng, she sings real well.
- Lifeguard : Jia Jun
- Speaking of Jia Jun, that DISGUSTING THING shot a barley (yes a barley) into my nice hot teh. I discovered that when I finished drinking it.
- Stargazer + Planter : Dallan
- Speaking of Dallan, he came back to school today.
- Bowler : Xavier
- Speaking of Xavier, he played C4 again today.
- Canoeists : Wei Guo, Zhenliang, Vincent, Jared
- Speaking of Jared, let me share his wisdom with you. "Life's like Jia Ni, sometimes you fall short."
- Speaking of Zhenzhu , he broke a nail today.
- Wei Guo said I changed. Yeah I think I did.
- Vincent, he couldn't make up his mind today.
- 55 is a nice number.
I think I have to ask 7 people to do this? Letsee....
- tasty tim
- jia jun
- xavier
- krystal
- denise
- ozy
- whoever's reading
That was quick. I don't think 2 of them on the list are going to do it.
I just summed up the day!
Monday, August 20, 2007
Killed many trees today I think.
Went to the library after school to do mass-printing.
Giang was like, "What are you printing?!"
I waited the printer to churn out the stuff...
As if there was no tomorrow.
I sure hope history doesn't repeat itself.
In many ways.
Failing Maths was a good thing.
I have more motivation to practice now.
NOW, I musn't musn't musn't fail Chemistry!
Okay, back to studying.
Monday, August 13, 2007
Saturday, August 11, 2007

Friday, August 10, 2007
Caught this series on crunchyroll recently. Heard rave reviews of this show and I went to check it out.
And, I agree. Its great.
Its like watching Romeo x Juliet. You know the ending. Its going to be sad.
And yet, you still hope for the protagonist (Aya Ikeuchi).
Okay, a show synopsis below...
Only Human
Lyrics: Osanai Mai Music: Matsuo Kiyoshi, Tanaka Choku
Kanashimi no mukou kishi ni
Hohoemi ga aru toiu yo
Kanashimi no mukou kishi ni
Hohoemi ga aru to iu yo
Tadori tsuku sono saki ni wa
Nani ga bokura wo matteru?
Nigeru tame ja naku yume ou tame ni
Tabi ni deta hazusa tooi natsu no ano hi
Ashita sae mieta nara tame iki mo nai kedo
Nagare ni sakarau fune no you ni
Ima wa mae he susume
Kurushimi no tsukita basho ni
Shiawase ga matsu toiu yo
Boku wa mada sagashite iru
Kisetsu hazure no himawari
Kobushi nigirishime asahi wo mateba
Akai tsume ato ni namida kirari ochiru
Kodoku ni mo nareta nara
Tsuki akari tayori ni
Hane naki tsubasa de tobi tatou
Motto mae he susume
Amagumo ga kireta nara
Nureta michi kagayaku
Yami dake ga oshiete kureru
Tsuyoi tsuyoi hikari
Tsuyoku mae he susume
Only Human
Lyrics: Osanai Mai Translation: Jonathan Wu
On the opposite coast of sadness
is something called a smile
On the opposite coast of sadness
is something called a smile
But before we can go there,
is there something we’re waiting for?
In order to chase our dreams, we can’t have a reason to run away
We’ve got to go, to that far away summer’s day
If we find it tomorrow, we can’t sigh
Because like a boat that opposes the stream
we have to walk straight on
In a place worn down by sadness
something called a miracle, is waiting
Yet we are still searching
for the sunflower that grows at the end of spring
The warrior who awaits the morning light
before he can clasp it with red nails, his tears glitter and fall
Even if we’ve grown used to loneliness
only relying on the light of the moon
We have to fly away with featherless wing
just go foward, just a little further
As the rainclouds break
the wet streets sparkling
Although it brings only darkness
A powerful, powerful light
helps push us to walk on
Sad show. I think the stuff Aya wrote in the diary struck me real hard. Like "Why did this disease choose me? I can't carry it, if its fate." and "Mom, will I be able to marry?"
This show is based on a real story. I think the publishers published her diary under the name "One Litre of Tears" (yupp).
So catch it if you can. XD
Thursday, August 09, 2007
I think I got to relax once in a while.
I just did that yesterday, 8/8. Not good.
Screwed up, just simply screwed up.
I need to get a better screwdriver.
A better zip for my mouth.
A better painkiller for my heart.
A better anaesthetic for my brain.
I've officially lost something that I did not want to lose.
I think I'm losing myself too.
Okay, so I'm not making much sense.
Probably years down the road, when I read this post again...
I'll laugh at my stupidity, immaturity.
I'm still growing up! (Mentally)
Yesterday was full of events. FUN!
Annual Awards = Melting time
BBSS moved to the holding site, the former Millenia Institute.
That means, no air-conditioned hall.
We were MELTING under the graduant's gown.
The presentation was kind of cool. Since it was the first Annual Awards to be held in the holding site.
I saw the artist's impression of the new building.
Beautiful. SO MUCH BETTER!
I think it costs 10 over million. Not sure, but WOW.
After the ceremony, Pauline and I ran around finding our teaches and took pictures with them with my handphone camera.
We had quite a trouble finding our physics teacher. I heard he is more strict towards his students. Well, okay....
We took a picture with our PRINCIPAL! Yeah!
I think shes really a great lady.
Very amiable. Friendly. Serious even.
She ended our chat with a serious tone.
She told us about the question she got during the Biology paper at A Levels.
Some DNA mutation about horses.
Anddd, I learnt from Melanie (fellow ASC-ian and ex-BBSSian) that quite a few ACJC people live around the Toh Tuck area!
Not really surprising. But yeah.
Then I followed Pauline, Vivien and Melanie to Mos Burger at West Mall.
I think I love Milk Tea alot.
In school, I love Teh Ping.
Outside, I love Milk Tea.
They are the same!
I got Iced Milk Tea at Mos Burger.
Then we walked around West Mall window shopping.
Later in the evening... The small (mini) class outing was kind of wacky. We basically did... Movie>>Stone>>Pool>>Neoprint(!!)>>Stone>>Pictures>>Macs>>Home. Basically that. Neoprints was kind of fun. Spent a longgggggggg time designing the 6 pictures. I sure hope we can get them "re-printed". And even when Rachel Lim wasn't present, we did not forget her...
Jared said the most lame stuff yesterday night on MSN,
"Life's like Jia Ni, sometimes, you fall short."Thanks Jared.
Thanks so much for reminding me. >__>
Happy Birthday Singapore!
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Saturday, July 28, 2007
Whats wrong with the weather?! It has been pouring since the start of the week!
I came down with the flu too =(
Really freaky. Its not even the monsoon season.
School's been rather so-so.
I screwed up quite a few stuff...
GP Package Test, Biology Skill B1 SPA, Chinese test...
This week is bad. Really bad.
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Disorder | Rating |
Paranoid: | Low |
Schizoid: | Low |
Schizotypal: | Low |
Antisocial: | Low |
Borderline: | Low |
Histrionic: | Moderate |
Narcissistic: | Low |
Avoidant: | Low |
Dependent: | High |
Obsessive-Compulsive: | Low |
-- Personality Disorder Test -- -- Personality Disorder Information -- |
I guess...I'm rather normal...?
Monday, July 23, 2007
Saturday, July 21, 2007
So Long, Mr. Despair:Negative:by ~OtakuSpy
Watched "Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei" (So long, Despair Teacher).
Its so freaking funny and weird.
Especially the part about Itoshiki-sensei's stalker student.
She wanted to know everything about her current boyfriend.
Its simply scary. Like obession.
Yeah. O-B-E-S-S-I-O-N.
Its also rather scary that his other student, Kafuka, is so freaking positive!
Hikkikomori girl = Zashiki warashi (House spirit)
Crazy Stalker Girl = Girl expressing intense love
Watched Gintama 34.
Episode about Shinpachi and his first date with a girl.
A girl with Neko mimi (Cat ears)
Which turns on any guy. >__>
What about Otsuu-chan?!
There's this part when Shinpachi goes onto the Samurai chat channel and asks whether he should or shouldn't go for the date...
Although it wasn't exactly Gintoki saying it but I felt it made sense.
Maybe I shouldn't be so scared about being hurt.
Again, Gin-san made me understand some stuff.
Okay. So today is the release of the seventh, final volume of the Harry Potter series.
Yeah. I finished reading it, already.
Sat down to read at 12noon. Just finished it.
Well, I'm not going to spoil the story.
But yeah. It was okay.
Maybe now I can do my work or something.
So much for using Harry as an excuse for not doing my work.
Yeah. A total LOL to the class magazine.
"Silence is not golden. Gossip is platinum!" we have so many scandals to speak of? :X
Oh yes. Impersonating people on tagboards is irritating.
Stop it.
What Gintama Character Are You?
Hosted by Anime. Done right.
"Did you mean it, when you said it?"
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Sunday, July 15, 2007
Friday, July 13, 2007
Or maybe more like Haruhi-san.
Oblivious to it.
So that I wouldn't have to think so much.
Just moving straight forward.
Not thinking about other stuff.
I hate being free.
I hate being tired.
Cause always I tend to think too much.
Let me immerse myself in work.
So that I may lose myself.
Thats emo. Oh well.
Sunday, July 08, 2007
I just hope that I don't fail anything, but I don't mind going for extra lessons on Wednesdays, especially Wednesday?
Okay, so I'm superbly jealous that some of my friends can play Granado Espada and I can't cause my desktop is rotting and the my laptop is not mine. The only consolation is that MMORPGs subsequently gets boring and it has been proven true.
But! Starcraft 2 is coming out next year and I so want to try it out! Definitely I can't play it on the hunk of metal that runs on Windows 98SE?!
Read reviews on Starcraft too... some say its similar to Starcraft and not much modifications
But I look forward to the custom BNET maps... Aeon of Strife started from Starcraft too!
Hah, not to forget, I finished .hack//G.U. 3! The japanese version though. Maybe because I can't 100% fully understand Japanese, I felt that it was lacking something...
Was the final boss too easy? But I absolutely adore Haseo's Xth form and Skeith's new form. Its just so cool. Not to mention, there were quite a few new additions in which I couldn't figure out. I guess I will have to wait for .hack//G.U. Redemption to come out!
Harvey Norman sells a motherboard for $999... I'm cash-strapped.
I think I have to wait for a few years before I can get a spanking new motherboard. Till then, I'm with my dad's laptop. I'm not complaining! I just hope my rotting desktop can work till then.
I think I'm running low on karma or something. Lots of bad stuff has happened to my family and me. I really question myself sometimes...
Haha, which makes me think of a question Rachel(L) asked during lecture, "Why is everyone breaking up now?"
And I said, "Cause the bell just rang..."
Oh yes. Szeching's birthday was on Friday! Happy 18th birthday gal!
Thursday, June 21, 2007
So here goes...:
Your Love is Represented by a White Rose |
While you may or may not be totally naive, you do approach love with an eternal innocence. You love like you've never been hurt. And you put all your faith in your partner. Your philosophy on love is: be honest and be yourself. |
You Are 22% Evil |
A bit of evil lurks in your heart, but you hide it well. In some ways, you are the most dangerous kind of evil. |
Your Aura is Blue |
Spiritual and calm, you tend to live a quiet but enriching life. You are very giving of yourself. And it's hard for you to let go of relationships. The purpose of your life: showing love to other people Famous blues include: Angelina Jolie, the Dali Lama, Oprah Careers for you to try: Psychic, Peace Corps Volunteer, Counselor |
Your Psyche is Violet |
You are spiritual, intuitive, and serene. People trust you to rescue them from bad situations, and you usually come through. While you are quite enlightened, you find that your path is very lonely. When you are too violet: you can't connect to ordinary life or ordinary people When you don't have enough violet: you lack wisdom and can't learn from the past |
Your Eyes Should Be Gray |
Your eyes reflect: Intensity and drive What's hidden behind your eyes: A sensitive soul |
Is it just physically or mentally?
Haha, I'm so dead.
Feeling old in a body of a 17 year old.
I think I'm going crazy too.
I have the urge to shop, in the midst of studying for the term exams. XD
Oh well.
Oh yes, I just picked a new anime series, Romeo X Juliet. (Opening Pic at the side!)
Yes, its a Shakespeare classic in anime.
Plus, its great.
I'm always left wanting for more,
even though I already know the ending.
Its just so depressing!
I hope I don't tear too much when I watch the rest of the episodes!
Till later.
Friday, June 15, 2007
3rd Week of June Holidays
Time sure flies...
Right into the 'mugging' period, but everything seems so uncertain.
Especially Maths and Chemistry.
They are my main concerns...
I just hope I don't forget about Biology.
Getting as much practice as I can right now.
And I think there is something seriously wrong with my health.
Gastric Flu -> Sore throat -> Fever -> Cough
In a row!
Its horrific.
1 Seen the doctor one time too many this month.
2 Been at the cinemas one time too many this month.
3 Going out one time too many this month.
So many 'firsts' experienced this month.
[edit] Forgot to mention... I totally enjoyed them! Hahaha!
Just hope my sickness cures and never come back.
Okay, maybe I didn't get gastric flu.
Thats good news.
Anyway, I fear for Chemistry. I think I failed the MCQ section of the mock paper...10/30? Thats record-breaking...!
Sunday, June 10, 2007
That concludes our season, thats real good news.
Although I kind of screwed up some songs, I felt that our encore song was kind of 'high'. Haha, I guess we picked a real funny song -_-
And I got a huge sunflower from my friend XD and a rose from my senior. Kind of nice, hahahaha.
When the seniors step down, our section will only have 11 people left. Haha, a bit pathetic!
Anyways, the end the season means the start of my mugging season. =(
I haven't revised anything! Oh well, but I think I'll manage, some how.
PW is picking up, now that I'm free practically everyday.
But now, all I want is some sleep!
Haha, guess what, I got served by the same guy at Starbucks this morning and afternoon!
He even asked me about my sore throat! Cause I asked what drink they had was good for a sore throat this morning!
Gonna watch movie tomorrow, kind of happy X)
On the thought that I haven't seen my friends for weeks!
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
Sunday, May 13, 2007
Well, at least we accomplished what we wanted =).
I was so happy to have a Saturday off...cause I had to rush through alot of stuff...
Chemystery can be read within half and hour!
Struggling with GP Independent Learning.
Maths is driving me crazy...
Come to think of it,I think I screwed my Biology test BIG TIME.
Thursday classes, here I come! =(
Zixin came back to ACJC on Friday. Was so freaking happy. Its been a long time since I saw here XD.
I didn't know she knew Denzel
We went out to Lot 1 Mac's
Haha! We had a good time laughing...hehehehe
Sharing all those scandalous stuff, haha.
Oh yeah, congratulations to all those who made it successfully into the 32nd Students Council! I'm sure you guys will do a great job! Szeching, Clarrissa, Evangeline, Jian Da, Raymond, CONGRATS!
Not much to blog about really, the whole week has been hectic and I haven't got the time to have a life...haha
Thursday, April 19, 2007
But I think its cool. The websites are REAL good.
Schools kind of tough right now.
I just got back my Biology and Chemistry paper.
I'm not really satisfied with my marks, but I think it will be better somehow.
Its SYF season now, everyone in ACCO are getting tensed up.
I was kind of ready to learn showmanship.
But at the rate we are going, its possible, but its not perfect yet.
We're having a full-dress rehearsal this Sunday. There goes my weekends.
Although its only for the afternoon, I don't think I'll have any energy to study for the upcoming Chinese test.
Alot of stuff has happened in school in this short month.
1SC2 is the best man!
We have hot teacher(s)!
Thursday, April 12, 2007
Thursday, March 29, 2007
After the grouping exercise thingy, I seriously felt like a dead fish or something.
Freestyle to and fro really killed me. Man, I just so weak.
I professed not knowing frogstyle, I just want to get it right, although I think it will take some time for me to get it right, considering I struggled with the form for 1 year before raising the white flag.
School's okay and probably getting proper.
Tests are coming mainly in the 4th week and textbooks are FINALLY on sale.
Glad I didn't rush to get Chemistry.
I spent like 108 bucks on Economics flat. John Sloman's Economics and O'Sullivan's. Just heard the harsh truth that Sloman's is more appropriate for H1 people >__<.
Stuff are certainly expensive here in JCs.
Just one goddamn calculator burns off 200 bucks. Its a necessity. Although I was kinda tempted to go with the cheaper alternative (Casio Graphic Calculator), guess what? All kinds of explanations are all done in TI's Graphic Calc. Plus, TI's rumored to be able to play games (?!) on. I seriously don't expect much, but Snakes would be nice =).
Really happy that I'm getting closer to the new people in 1sc2, athough I spend most time with the 'old people'.
Fun Fact 1 : Many canoeists (sp?) and shooters >_<
Fun Fact 2 : Canoeing and voluntary PE has become the norm in the class.
Can't think of anymore. Just freaking tired.
Plus I have to be more passionate about my CCA. Just too many people say I express deep hatred for it that I feel guilty.
Since I joined it, then I should take responsibility.
I feel guilty for missing this Saturday's practice. As much as I would like to be present, my parents still have the final say.
I think I have some serious mood-swing issues.
One moment I'm laughing my ass off, the next, I feel like killing someone...
Thursday, March 22, 2007
But I was wrong, SO wrong.
Its boring. Period.
Tuesday was the worst.
At least today I won like 3 rounds of Bridge, its amazing for someone of my intellect.
Coincidentally, this week is the J2s term tests, which means NO CCA!
Plus, I found out that our class is down for SWIM PE! How cool is that ._.
At least it falls on a Thursday, not Wednesday or something, if not, the LT3 will stink of fluorine =).
Being in JC really makes me feel weird. I'm away from my usual mugging schedule, cause everything seems uncertain.
I sure hope I don't land myself in excessive tuition during JC...>_<
Just finished posting all my Spain pictures, in which MADRID has ZERO pictures posted. Maybe because I shopped too much in there. Pity I didn't take a picture of the dining table in which the whole tour group sat and dine. Pork knuckles and roasted pig were the main dish and it was the only time where I took more than 2 glasses of Sangria...=)
Monday, March 19, 2007

Toledo ++ Toledo is under UNESCO Heritage, the WHOLE city. So its kind of nice to see most of the town like it was then. Of course, there have been some major changes, but it still looks...not-like-a-modern town from afar. No skyscrapers, no metal buildings etc etc.

P/S : The rapier there looks real cool.

Portugal ++ Lisbon ++ Some street, I forgot what. We had to travel by their underground train, and it was kind of cool. People were using their 'ezlink' (okay, so thats not the real name) cards and we bought 2 way tickets with the help of an operator, we went as a group by the way. It was nighttime when we realised that the large electric christmas tree was switched on, so we stopped to take a few shots. The arches were kind of pretty too.

Okay, so some couple bought a jar, cause on day one of the trip, the tour guide recommended us to try Sangría everywhere we went. It was kind of mild in Barcelona, so everyone didn't expect much...till that day. It was so STRONG! Extremely fruity and STRONG. I think if I finished the jar, it might be my last jar. As far as I can remember, I drank glasses of it in Madrid, I went very pink, but SOBER.