Friday, May 07, 2004

Argh! My exams is just next week Wednesday adn Thursday and I have NO CONFIDENCE in my Maths Paper! I just developed a cramp today and I'm not sure if I can do some work today!
I'm also pretty scared abt Science as I was doing my school's past year paper, I felt that it was tough, and that is NOT good. I've studied my assessment book's notes and still I am not comfortable with the paper. Worst of all, my teacher said that this year's may be HARDER that last years. OMG SAVE ME!
Yea! My brother bought a few PS2 games and one of them is Drakengard!
I would have loved to play La Pucelle 1st thou.
I saw my bro play it and it was pretty good. Real time fighting, I don't play those much.
La Pucelle is a TACTICS game. It was done by the SAME company who have done Disgaea! I loved Disgaea as the graphics are cute (I love Raharl-sama!)
And the plot is somewhat like Jap Drama and best of all, it is hilarous and has Jap-dubs/Eng-dubs! I really hope it is somewhat similar to Disgaea. \^.^/
There is also Dynasty Warriors. It is also real-time fighting and the fighting looks very cool.
I look forward to...
Kingdom Hearts 2,
Final Fantasy 12 (the male character cools so good!)
Xenosaga 2 (I forgot the name >.<)

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