Tuesday, May 04, 2004

I loved FMA's 30th episode.
Its so good! I wonder if the real Fuhrer (daisoto?) is really human.
Even Sloth somewhat 'trust' him.
I think the innocent boy (from ep29) is made by Izumi, shes gonna die with her internal organs gone man. It would be pretty sad for another person to die.
Come to think of it, if the boy had Edward's limbs, maybe his body is Alphonse? (bleh) And organs is from Izumi. Wow.
I saw the shorts after ep. The humonculus made the boy eat the infinished philosophers stones (well i guess it is). After re-watching the opening video, the boy's gonna be a tough enemy for the elric brothers.
maybe the humonculus are made from different people...1 person makes the 7 sins? Wow, he sure wouldn't survive for long.
I really think that the reason behind making humonculus is human desire. heh, coz i was really affected to Izumi's reason on her 'missing' organs.

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